Dress Code: When you've already decided New Year Party Theme 2011, mention some dress code. Bright colorful dresses will add spice to your party. The idea will also give the ceremony a royal appearance.
Source of entertainment: Set a program list to include the flavor of entertainment on your party. Find out people who can entertain everybody. Singing, dancing, acting, etc shows will help in rocking the celebration.
Game party: An arrangement of game will add excitement to the party. Children, young, adult everybody should take part in the game. In this way, all would enjoy great fun during the party.
Gifts and rewards: As a reward, offer the winners various exciting prizes. You can divide the competition in two to three groups, according to the age-group. Don't forget to pat on all participants who are not being able to win prizes. For them, you can collect some consolation prizes too. It's not important to buy costly gifts as rewards for the participants. You can offer cute and lovely gifts too. These will make your New Year party memorable forever.
Foods and Drinks: Without foods, no party completes. For New Year party, these are the vital items. Choose delicious spicy items. Everybody should complement after doing the dinner at your party. Those who prefer hard and soft drink, please them with their favorite items.
Dance and Dance: On rocking music, dance throughout the entire night. Pay warm good bye to 2010 and welcome 2011 with crackers and lights. Share love with each other. Make it the most beautiful New Year in your life.