About Me

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Seorang pelajar dalam seni bina dan pembuatan kapal di salah sebuah universiti di utara tanah air(malaysia). Suka makan dan mencari kenkmatan hidup ini(halwatul iman). Seorang yang akan berkawan dengan sesiapa sahaja tidak kira agama dan bangsa,pankat dan darjat,miskin dan kaya, yang penting badi diri ini selagi die jujur dalam berkawan boleh ajer.

Monday, 17 October 2011


Dah bersawang rupenye blog aku ni...hehehe...
sori ler coz skrg dah ada hobi br.ni y nk borak dgn blogger.Semenjak abg sepupu bg bola boling die kat aku skrg aku dah kerap ke pusat boling tuk bermain boling....setakat ni itu ler permain palin menarik tuk aku mengisi masa ujung minggu aku...sbagai begginer score aku paling tinggi setakat ni jus 110 jer....kene improve lg ni....hehehehe.....ok got to go now..hope dpt berkongsi pasal hobi br aku ni dgn blogger sekalian...

Tuesday, 21 June 2011


tah ler sudah lame tak memuka n memuang semua sawag2 kt sini just drop by tu look up....

Monday, 2 May 2011


Makin hari makin dkt utk aku menempuhi final exam ni.Tp aku tak sedia langsung utk betempor.nape ek.Plus pulak dua tiga hari dah aku rasa tak sedap badan ajer....nk ckp demam tak demam badan rasa letih gile lesu pn ada gak ni...this semester paper agak hard gak ler....coz first paper dah mengadap calculation then next theory sambung lak dgn kedua2nye.....aku makin tertekan tak tau ler mcm mane nnt...hope aku dpt tempuhi semua dgn gagahnye....biar aku pergi perang nnt aku lah org y paling byk membunuh...hihihi..
BTW end of last week aku dpt berita gembira n itu is history of my life.....sepanjang aku belajar welding dgn sorg lecture ni i never got even B- but this semester aku dpt A-...itu y buat aku terkejut n mengejutkan semua rakan2 aku y lain ada y ckp badi aku dgn lecture tu dah abis...hehehe...itu jer lah sejarah y aku buat this semester..hope lepas ni ada lg sejarah untuk aku semester ni......
akhir kata selamat maju jaya pada semua y akan menjawab kertas peperiksaan tak kira dimana anda berada.....gud luck n all the best to u...

Saturday, 23 April 2011

safety first..???

tah ler tak tau nk tulis ape lg dlm ni...it along time to open this blog the net is like slow gile nyempah lak nk update.today hope is the best day to have some rest n will stat my work again tomoro.....
ha sebelom terlupa today is a big day for my friend coz hari die ada competition muay thai kt seri iskandar jam 8mlm ni...moh kt pergi menyokong...hehehehe...
bertempat di KPM seri iskandar...
masuk rm15
moh menyokong peninju2 kt di sane....
akhir kata selamat berjuang untuk mereka y akan bertempur mlm ni n hope my friend frizal will be the champion.......

Soldier of fortune Lyrics

Artist(Band):Deep Purple

I have often told you stories
About the way
I lived the life of a drifter
Waiting for the day
When I'd take your hand
And sing you songs
Then maybe you would say
Come lay with me love me
And I would surely stay

But I feel I'm growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be...
A soldier of fortune

Many times I've been a traveller
I looked for something new
In days of old
When nights were cold
I wandered without you
But those days I thougt my eyes
Had seen you standing near
Though blindness is confusing
It shows that you're not here

Now I feel I'm growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be...
A soldier of fortune
Yes, I can hear the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune

Saturday, 9 April 2011


selamat berhujung minggu semua.dah lame tak dpt menikmati keindahan hari mggu.br leah this week dpt rehat.this week biz dgn all the assignment y besepah2.weekend ni nk bgn sampai tgh hari then nk duduk atas katil sampai lebam.this weekend nk duduk bilik menikmati keindahan bilik aku ni hihihii.windu gile sua sana macam ni.tp dlm rehat2 ni kene buka gak buku coz next week hari2 ada test kot nape lah sume lecture nk buat test next week gak.stat the week wit tech comm test then end wit Naval test.hope aku dpt jawab semua test2 tu dgn cemerlang nye.y penting itu cerite mggu dpn .skrg time for rest n menikmati hari mggu aku y nyaman ni.....

selamat berhujung mggu.....

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


kengkadang bile di fikir2 kihidupan hanya satu lakonan untuk kt lebih mengenali y MAHA ESA tp itu ler menjadi masalah bile di sebut Maha Esa kt semua asyik komplain ajer but kt tak pernah langsung ingat pada die walhal kt semua ada penentuan masing2 y telah di tetapkan oleh NYA.tapi seperti dlm Quran pn ada menyatakan DIA tidak akan mengubah sesuatu kaum melainkan mereka mengubah diri mereka sendiri.ye lah maksudnye DIA suruh kt berusaha lah kalau kt tak usaha macm mane nk dpt ape y kt nk.tak der ler duit nk turun dr langit klu asyik duduk kt umah tgk tv.tak der ler result masa exam nk gempak klu tak study langsung.itu sume lakonan kt untuk kehidupan kt.macam dlm drama melayu la kt dah tau ajer ape akan berlaku.itu same gak macam kt.kt dah tau klu kt usaha kt akan dpt ape.same ajer semua cerita kehidupan manusia dlam dunia y telah diciptakan untuk kt.just y membezakan kt ada lah takat mana usaha kt untuk erjaya n takat mana kt tunduk kepada y MAHA ESA.oleh it renung2kan untuk kt sentiasalah kt beringat pada PENCIPTA y mencipta kt untuk kt tunduk dan taat kepada NYA.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Rahsia Perut Seorang Lelaki

Tak dinafikan, ada orang yang suka bahagian perut lelaki tak kira sama ada lelaki itu berperut “RATA” dan KEMPIS” ataupun “BOROI”!! Alah! ” TASTE” manusia ni kan tak sama dan bermacam-macam. Apa nak dihairankan?? Apa sikap seseorang itu yang menggemari tubuh lelaki dibahagian ini?

Menurut seorang pakar terapi seks dari bahan bacaan saya iaitu Dr Ava cadell, seseorang yang menyukai bahagian tengah tubuh lelaki ini melambangkan seorang yang ingin menguasai si lelaki. Mereka juga seorang yang suka dan inginkan diri mereka menjdi fokus utama si Dia. Pendek kata, mereka ingin diri mereka dianggap segala-galanya bagi lelaki itu!..Keburukannya, sekiranya mereka tidak mendapat apa yang mereka inginkan, mereka tidak teragak-agak untuk berpaling tadah dan meninggalkan lelaki itu…AwwwwwwW!! Hai jangan lah gitu…tak elok naaaa…kesian si Dia.!

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Kasut size 2

memang sekali dgr tak der rasa pelik. tp bile di sebut umur 18thn tu y jadi pelik..umur 18thn tp size kasut 2.huahuahuaua.
benda ni terjadi kt adik saudara aku dah 18 thn size kasut 2.hehehehe...
bedan besau tp kaki kecik..heehehehe...

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Weld Defect.

Weld defects definition.

They are excessive conditions, outside the acceptance limits, which risks the compromise the stability or the functionality of the welded structure. They are also called reject able discontinuities. This continuity reject able must be determines by correct action to avoid future effects. Usually the professional should be determines the defects are repair able or not.

Type of weld defect

  1. Cold lap

    This defect can be happen because the filler metal does not fully molten to the groove or root face. It is because the welder not enough excellent in controlled the weld holder when during their work or the welder not using the correct voltage. In radiography testing we can see this defect at the dark part where the molding not fusing with the base metal.

  2. Porosity

    Porosity can divide by two categories, cluster porosity and gas porosity or blow hole but both of the defects in the same condition where the shielding gas entrapped into the molding. It can be find in form rows or cluster.

  3. Cluster porosity

    When the shielding gas can’t escape from the mould because may be the welding electrode not covered from oxygen. Usually cluster porosity can be found at the end of weld in group.

  4. Gas porosity and blow hole

    Gas porosity is the similar meaning where the gas or air can’t move out in the molten and will be come trapped when the molten change to solid. Blows holes, it is because by the sand with low permeability so the gas cannot be escaped. Another cause can be attributes to green ladles, rusty or dumb chill and chaplets.

  5. Tungsten Inclusion

    Tungsten inclusion it cause by the trapped tungsten into the molding. When during welding the tungsten touch the metal so the tungsten will be fuse at the base metal or molten. In radiography we can see the fuse tungsten in light color because tungsten had more density than aluminum or steel.

  6. Slag inclusion

    Slag inclusion it causes by solid material trapped into the molding. May be this defects become from careless. Before the welder start their work, the base metal must be clean example brushing the base metal or remove the slag from molding.

  7. Incomplete penetration

    Incomplete penetration or lack of penetration defect it causes by the failure weld metal can’t penetrate the joint. Maybe the voltage are using not applicable for the penetration.

  8. External Undercut

    The reduction on plate surface, together with the concentration of stress at the toe due to the sharp corner, may cause failure of the welded joint. It is caused by high welding current, welding speed too slow, or poor handling of torch.

  9. Internal Undercut

    The reduction on root plate, together with the concentration of stress at the toe due to the sharp corner, may cause failure of the welded joint. It is caused by high welding current, welding speed too slow, or poor handling of torch.

  10. Inadequate reinforcement

    The both side of the weld joint will be suck down below the surface and the center of the weld bead will be rise level or over the surface. It is because uncorrected current voltage and fail to handling the torch the weld molding less than the thickness base metal. We can see the darker on the weld when using radiography testing.

  11. Excess reinforcement

    Reinforcement means the weld bead is over then height are acceptable or too many metals are added to the joint so the bead not shaped correctly. It is because the travel it too slow and the current voltage too low. Usually we can find this defect at start and stop weld.

  12. Misalignment

    The plate is misalignment on perpendicular axis the weld or the plate not level. In pipe, the pipe is mismatch on radial direction. It is because the welder or the fabricator unprepared before or during tag weld didn’t use clamp when during weld it can be effect the alignment too.

  13. Arc strike

    Arc strike mean, the incident before welding or during welding or after welding it cause by the ground clamps it to close on the work piece or the electrode of electrode holders contacting on the weld location or base metal.

  14. Overlap.

    Poor fusion at the toe on the weld joints or the handling of torch is not Constance able or the bead joint out from weld lines.

  15. Cracks

    The continuity will become crack is because the inclination of stress on the certain level. It is starting point for the failure on the structures and components. Cracks act as concentrators and are not acceptable for ship hull welds regardless of their size. Their must be repair immediately. There are type of cracks weld metal cracks, under bead cracks, root cracks, root surface cracks, root cracks, weld interface cracks, heat effects zone cracks and toe cracks.
Handbook - Metal Transfer Variations